
All downloads are available on IPFS and as Bit Torrent magnet links for free. You can also download them directly from the directory on my iCloud.


Scarlet Death

anDeath IPFS | Magnet | BC | Streaming
Centrist Scourge (single) IPFS | Magnet | Streaming
Vile End IPFS | Magnet | BC | Streaming
Scarlet Death IPFS | Magnet | BC | Streaming
Brooklyn Hz (single) IPFS | Magnet | Streaming


An Lucky IPFS | Magnet | BC | Streaming
Endless IPFS | Magnet | BC | Streaming
SWAG IPFS | Magnet | BC | Streaming
Space Hymnals IPFS | Magnet | BC | Streaming


Seize the Memes of Production (PV) IPFS | Magnet | Youtube
Virtue Signals (PV) IPFS | Magnet | Youtube
Colony Drop Acid With Me (PV) IPFS | Magnet | Youtube
Trauma Doll (PV) IPFS | Magnet | Youtube
Brooklyn Hz (PV) IPFS | Magnet | Youtube


Soror 64
Anti-Art Manifesto IPFS | Magnet | Kindle
Liber Dada IPFS | Magnet | Kindle
Soror Puella Lucis
Rainbow Laser Grimoire IPFS | Magnet | Kindle